Creation of CRM technology for a automotive supplier

Machengaurz is a successful automotive supplier with international experience. Filio Force IT company and the client decided to work together on the integration and optimisation of a personal CRM system. The aim is to optimise sales processes and improve customer service. In this case study we will look at the stages of the collaboration and its results.

Needs analysis

The first step was to analyse Machengaurz’s needs. Filio Force managers looked at their current sales processes, customer interactions and challenges, where managers spend most of their time and which stages of the transaction are difficult.

CRM development

After the dative analysis, Filio Force company moved directly into planning and development. Based on the analysis, we developed a customised CRM system that took into account all the specifics of Machengaurz’s business. This included order management capabilities, customer contact directly from the deal and contact card, and easy visualisation of sales milestones. Key metrics that needed to be tracked and monitored in real time were also identified. Personalised sales analysis and other features make it easy for all users of the CRM system.

Integration of a personal CRM system by Filio Force it company

Implementation and training

Once the development was complete, we carried out a painless and straightforward CRM implementation at Machengaurz. Employees had no difficulty in continuing with their current work, despite a number of important changes. The result was immediate. We ensured that the staff were fully trained to use the new system effectively and provide first class customer service.

Testing and optimisation

After the CRM implementation, we thoroughly tested the system and made the necessary adjustments to optimise it for Machengaurz’s needs.

Support and maintenance

Our team continues to provide support and maintenance after the CRM implementation. The customer is always looking for new ways to optimise business processes and is interested in the possibility of improving the existing system.

Optimization of business processes by Filio Force

Results of the collaboration

By implementing CRM, Machengaurz was able to improve order management and customer service, resulting in an increase in orders. Customers were 56% more likely to place repeat orders due to the excellent service and order management provided by the integrated CRM.

The new system has enabled the company to improve customer interaction, respond more quickly to customer queries and provide a more personalised service.

Thanks to increased sales efficiency and improved customer service, Machengaurz has increased its profit margins by 61%.

The collaboration between Filio Force and Machengaurz was an important step in Machengaurz’s business development. By implementing modern CRM technology, they were able to increase sales efficiency, improve customer service and increase profitability. This case study illustrates the importance of innovation and digitalisation in modern business. Contact Filio Force Canada if you too want to improve customer satisfaction and increase sales.