PHP and Laravel. What it is and how it is used

Filio Force Inc. specialists use various modern IT technologies in their work. Today we will look at the programming language.

PHP is one of the world’s most popular programming languages

PHP is a programming language specifically designed for writing web applications, from a simple ‘contact us’ form to a complete online shop or social networking system. It is the most widely used web programming language. Over 77% of the world’s websites run on PHP. If you want to build websites, you can’t do without PHP.

The very acronym PHP is a recursive abbreviation of the phrase Hypertext Preprocessor. However, it originally stood for Personal Home Page, which was understood as a language for developing a personal website.

The history of PHP begins at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The author of the original version is Rasmus Lerdorf, whose idea was to develop a set of tools to simplify the process of creating dynamic web pages. In 1994 he wrote a Perl-based HTML generator (Personal Home Page). In 1995, Perl was no longer sufficient. The first C interpreter (Hypertext Preprocessor) was written. This allowed Rasmus Lerdorf to increase productivity. In 1998, Israeli programmers presented the third version of the language. Its main advantage is the support of additional modules that extend the capabilities of the kernel. It was this version that determined the popularity of the language.

Advantages of PHP

PHP is constantly being updated. Despite the competition, it has been and remains the most widely used language for writing web site control systems (“engines”). The secret of its success is simple – the presence of ready-made functions for communicating with databases and processing network requests. Another great feature of PHP is that it works perfectly with HTML code.

The PHP language is quite easy to learn. Modern versions of the language have improved code quality and performance. PHP is available for most operating systems, including Linux, Unix, Windows, MacOS and others. PHP includes support for most modern web servers such as Apache and IIS. Every web hosting service supports PHP technologies by default. This makes it much easier to install websites written in PHP. Today, the vast majority of websites, services and applications, as well as popular platforms such as Joomla, WordPress, are written in PHP.

Laravel programming - Filio Force it company

Laravel is the leader among the frameworks

There are about ten frameworks in the PHP world. Today we are going to tell you about the most popular one. Laravel is a free and open source general purpose PHP framework. Since its release in 2011, it has rapidly gained popularity and is competing head to head with its brethren. According to Filio Force company, Laravel is known for its elegant syntax, which is easy to understand and pleasant to work with. It integrates well with other third-party platform libraries to create highly scalable applications. Laravel consists of a set of pre-built blocks that can be used and combined in any way. This is hands-free and imposes no restrictions.

Laravel’s advantages

  • Speed. Anyone with experience of developing websites without a framework knows how long and tedious the process can be. There are many pitfalls along the way. Laravel will simplify the development process and increase its speed many times over.
  • Cybersecurity. Even experienced developers make mistakes when building websites. Some of them can be fatal – they open the way to hackers and various malicious manipulations. In Laravel, it will be difficult to make critical mistakes, even on purpose. It has fundamental defences against many cyber threats.
  • Extensibility. It is monotonous and unproductive to manually create new website components each time. Laravel has a ready-made set of different modules. They allow you to quickly and easily connect the next block.
    Ready tools “out of the box”. Support for various database management systems, routing, implemented MVC patterns and much more increase the framework’s efficiency many times over.
  • No problems with administration. Flexibility in customisation makes it possible to adapt the site to the client’s needs.
  • Testing. Advanced mechanism of testing and debugging each module and component of the project guarantees the absence of errors in the work of the whole application.
  • Updates. New versions are released regularly. And each version takes into account all aspects of development implemented before its appearance.
  • Open Source. Laravel is an open source project. This allows developers to study the framework, make changes and share their developments with the community, contributing to its development.

The Laravel framework is used in a variety of applications, from building simple websites to complex enterprise web applications. Some of the projects that use Laravel include online shops, high load projects, CRMs and many other web applications.

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