What PWA can do
for your business

If your company is not present in the digital world, consider that no one knows about it. Nowadays, people look for almost all the information they need on the Internet. Therefore, if you want your business to be successful, you must have an online presence. This requires a website and preferably a mobile application that your customers can install on their smartphones. However, not all businesses can afford to develop both a website and an app. The solution is PWAs.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are applications built using web technologies that can be installed and run on all devices from a single code base. This is the definition provided by Microsoft.

Put simply, a PWA is a combination of a website and a traditional mobile application. Filio Force Canada, which designs and implements progressive web applications, has handpicked information for you about their features and business benefits.

A website and an app are the same thing

It is much easier to create a website than a mobile application. And to make a website work as a mobile application, it is enough to implement PWA technology. When a user visits the website, he or she receives a notification offering to install an application on his or her smartphone. Once installed, the user opens essentially the same website, but it is already an application, with exactly the same design and functionality, but with the added features of traditional applications.

Advantages of PWAs by Filio Force development

Advantages of PWAs

  • Development and maintenance are much cheaper: it is enough to create and maintain one website instead of two separate websites and mobile apps (for Android and IOS);
  • Takes up much less space on a smartphone (usually no more than 1-3 MB);
  • does not require updating: when changes are made to the website, all changes are reflected in the application;
  • can be used from any device with a web browser;
  • Platform and operating system independent;
  • PWA development is faster than native application development;
  • Works faster than a website;
  • Can be partially or fully offline;
  • does not need to be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play, it can be installed directly from the website.

Business benefits

The technology is actively used by many large companies: Google (mail and document service), Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Starbucks, Forbes, Amazon, AliExpress and others.

By implementing a PWA, you get a large number of potential customers. It also gives you a tool to retain existing customers. Two factors contribute to this: more than 70% of users search for information on a mobile device; a large number of people almost never take their mobile out of their hands during the day.

PWAs can be indexed by search engines. PWA functionality allows for offline engagement and increased conversion rates due to session continuity. Users can log in to their personal account with a single click and pay with bank cards, Google Pay and Apple Pay. Your progressive web application can be published to the App Store and Google Play, creating a new platform for product promotion. This is particularly important for online service representatives, as the service will be available to the customer with a single click on the phone.

Bussiness benefits from using PWA by Filio Force Canada

What you can use it for in business

  1. Encourage repeat sales with alerts. For example, you run a beauty salon and you know that a customer gets a haircut once a month. You can use push notifications to remind them that it’s time to book an appointment with the master.
  2. Increase the average cheque by offering to buy related products. For example, someone bought roller skates in your store. In the message you can offer protective ammunition at a good discount.
  3. Save on advertising. Now you don’t need to create additional ads to tell your customers about a promotion. Just send a push notification.
  4. Make it easier for customers to find you.
  5. Quickly interact with the customer: send messages about the shipment / arrival of goods, respond to questions, complaints.

If you want to implement PWA, call us or send us an e-mail. Tell us about your business and Filio Force it company’s experts will find out how PWA can help your business grow.

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