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Address – 2501-565 Sherbourne st, Toronto, Canada, ON M4X 1W7
Good code is clean code. Code quality affects the quality of software, its safety, security, and reliability. It is also a parameter determining the level and professionalism of developers.
The important stage in the process of development of any software is code checking. To do it manually is labour-intensive, troublesome, long and, as the result, expensive. Automation of the processes makes life of engineers easier and raises the efficiency of the development process itself. A serious verification system is able to generate test logic and run tests by itself to identify errors.
When choosing and comparing the functionality of a tool for code review, you should first of all understand what your particular organization needs. Let’s get to the bottom of it.
Automation tools can quickly identify: unused code, broken design standards, memory leaks and other bugs that could lead to crashes or malfunctions. When several team members are working on the same related function, it’s important to fix bugs quickly. To maintain code consistency and readability, code is checked for conformance to certain standards: style, comments, architectural principles. The advantages of automated checking become especially significant in projects of large complexity or when you need incomplete and quick check.
Static analyzers pass through the source code without launching it even in the background. During this testing potential issues are usually detected: compilation errors, unused code, incorrect use of variables and other violations of programming standards. To continuously analyze and measure software code quality, Filio Force Inc. uses SonarQube, an open-source platform that automatically analyzes source code written in Java, JavaScript, C/C ++, C #, VB.NET, PHP, Objective-C, Swift, Python, and Groovy.
Formatting tools help maintain a consistent coding style in the project. They automatically apply rules for indentation, alignment, line breaks and other formatting aspects to increase readability and understanding of the code. By checking the layout of the code, the Filio Force company’s team uses Prettier, one of the popular formatting tools.
A unit test is code that checks how individual components of a programme work. Automated execution of these tests allows us to detect errors in individual functions or classes and make sure that they work properly when the code is changed later. With the help of JUnit tool for unit-testing Java projects developers can create tests to automate the testing of individual code components.
Integration testing tools automate the checking of interaction processes between different components and modules of a program. They detect errors that arise during the integration process and test the application’s performance in real-world scenarios. Filio Force creates automated tests to verify web applications by emulating user actions using the Selenium WebDriver tool.
Tools that detect memory leaks and inefficient memory usage help prevent memory bottlenecks. They stabilize your applications and warn you about errors in your code. Valgrind is a powerful bug-finding tool that not only allows you to monitor memory usage by web applications, but also helps you quickly identify memory leaks, inefficient resource usage, and other memory management issues.
AI-based tools, according to many users, have already come close in functionality to a properly organized formal code review in a short development timeframe. Some proponents believe that AI code review is better than formal peer review because it solves more problems and verification factors. Tools in the field of automated AI-based code review include AI Reviewer, DeepCode, Facebook’s SapFix and Microsoft’s IntelliCode.
Tools for automated verification are most often used in combination. The optimal choice depends upon the project’s requirements and the programming language being used during development. For example, you may use SonarQube or ESLint for static code analysis and Prettier or Black for automatic formatting.
You’d better begin to check the code while the development process is still in progress. The earlier you start testing, the sooner potential issues will be detected and fixed.
While creating a software product or ordering its development at the initial stage, define the goals you wish to reach while automating the process of code check. Consider your project’s main objectives, programming language, technology stack and general coding standards. Based on these requirements, Filio Force Canada’s specialists build toolkits for automating in-house software testing and code verification in customer software products.