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It is impossible to stand still in programming. Every specialist must constantly develop, follow innovations, study them, be able to apply modern approaches, etc. This is true for beginners as well as for experienced developers. Pet projects are helpers in development. We will talk about them in a new publication in the company blog of Filio Force.
A pet project is a developer’s own project that they work on in their spare time. A pet project is primarily for the independent development of new or existing skills. It is not limited by time, format or technology. A pet project is not only a way to pump up your knowledge and skills, but also a way to get away from the daily grind of work or study. By the way, statistics show that 65% of developers run their own pet projects.
First on the list of Filio Force Canada ideas for Pet projects would be any API integration. For example, you can create a robot that trades on the stock market. To do this, you need to integrate with stock exchange and investment services. Such a project will have significant business value because it will be useful to a certain group of people.
During the development of such a project you will learn new technologies, use different controllers, try to connect via API, get data, etc. There will be a large component of business logic in such a project: you can determine how, when and under what conditions to sell and buy.
Another project that will have business value is the creation of bots. A bot is a computer program that can perform certain actions in place of a human. They can be stock market bots, game bots, web bots, chat bots and search engine bots.
The following project ideas are for those who are good at maths or logic. You can create a project that is mostly based on calculations. For example, it could be a recommendation system like Netflix, based on the ‘nearest neighbour’ method. Or it could be artificial intelligence for Tetris. You don’t need to build a neural network for such a task. All you need to do is look at all the possible moves the computer can make and all the possible placements of the pieces.
Alternatively, you could try ‘cloning’. Find a good website and try to clone it. The same goes for applications installed on your smartphone that do not have the features you need. Try to create your own version by adding all the functions you need, as recommended by the Filio Force development specialists.